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Open source artificial intelligence promises to democratize technology, but it can also be misused and leads to artificial intelligence that is difficult to control. In your post, we explore the data, ethics, and funding behind these models to figure out how to balance new technology and security. Summary Open- the original models, which list llama and gpt-neox, are trained on thick public internet datasets, like a pile that holds 800 gb of books, medical research, and therefore even emails from enron employees up to the point where their company went bankrupt which they changed careers. To professional games of hide-and-seek. After an unexpected source of information loss about llama from meta, the researchers skillfully improved it with the conclusions of chatgpt, creating chatbots alpaca and vicuna. These new bots work almost as reliably as gpt-3.5% and require less investment to complete courses - alpaca took only 3 hours and $600. The race is on to run ai models on everyday devices, including smartphones, sometimes calculators. The leading image generation model, stable diffusion, is developed by stability ai, a $100 million startup. In funding, like hugging face (known as “machine learning github”). These unicorn startup couple funded a non-profit company that collected 5 billion pictures to train a model. This public dataset, made from the depths of the internet, raises copyright and privacy concerns because it includes thousands of private medical files. The free source ai community is going to make ai popular and prevent big tech from accessing them. However, there are risks, including the malicious use of stable diffusion, due to the fact that its security filters can be easily removed. The abuse contains the virtual undressing of people. If we're still trying to stop superintelligent ai that has no interest in being turned off - like skynet in the terminator - how can humans keep open source ai from getting out of hand in the digital environment? Open source helps build advanced ai faster by allowing people to use their partner's work, but that can be risky if that ai isn't interesting to humanity. However, to guarantee secrecy, researchers need access to the “brain” of ai, so eleutherai is openly sharing his models. Eleutherai is particularly concerned about the catastrophic risks posed by ai, with its co-founders even launching conjecture to focus on ai alignment. They also signed an open letter calling for a six-month pause in the development and promotion of ai. While others, like laion, want to climb up and even induce free source models with supercomputing hardware. Products. Langchain, a corporation that builds open source ai agents, recently raised $10 million in funding and linked its agents to 5,000 applications. These advances are causing excitement in the field. However, with great ai power comes great responsibility. Suggestions In order to improve ai security with free source code, we provide the following measures: Prioritize security over speed when publishing. Focus on reconciling ai models before release to minimize risk.Regularly review and update models to reduce hassle and maintain ai compliance.Engage with external experts, beta testers, and third parties to identify potential problems. Release.Sign ai security open letters to publicly declare responsible ai practices.Maintain structured access to ensure that only authorized users with the right understanding can deploy the technology.Avoid developing agent-based systems to reduce the risk of offline decision making that is not consistent with human values.Communicate model limitations to help users make informed decisions and reduce unintended consequences.Exclude harmful datasets during training by preventing the output of unwanted content (e.G. Gpt -4chan was trained on the political - wrong board.)Improve open source content moderation documentation sets, such as oig moderation, to create more robust and secure ai systems. Information that can speed up ai. What does open source ai mean? Open source ai means sharing at least one of the three components, and whatever: Weight: the model parameters - the brain of the ai - are publicly available, which makes it possible to run or configure the actress on the computer.Code: the code for ai training is publicly available, which allows the visitor to retrain the model from scratch, or improve the code.Datasets. Private ai training datasets are public, so you can download, analyze, and improve the data.Performance evaluation We asked gpt-4 evaluate the output of various open source language divs on scales from 1 to 10 for five different queries. The imprint and guidelines can be found in this google doc. *Not free source.**Tested in chinese, and then translated with deepl. Projects The following list of projects is not meant to be read from start to finish. . The summary above must be sufficient; learn more about the projects you want. Eleutherai The pile In february 2022, eleutherai released gpt. -Neox-20b, the largest open source language product to date. Gpt-neox, along with their fastest (but less performant) gpt-j model, were trained on a pile, a public 800 gb dataset from different wells, which can be subdivided as follows: Image source : the pile Academic: pubmed central (medical certificates), arxiv (stem studies), freelaw (judicial opinions), uspto (patent information), pubmed abstracts (annotations). Biomedical papers), philpapers (philosophical papers and nih exporter (excerpts from nih-funded grants). And the english wikipedia.Prose: books3 (bibliotik, e-books), project gutenberg (pg-19, classic books) and bookcorpus2 (dream interpreters written by “unpublished authors”).Miscellaneous: github (code), dm mathematics (math problems and enron emails (emails from enron employees).Dialogue: opensubtitles (subtitles from movies and tv shows), ubuntu irc (chat logs for questions about ubuntu), europarl (multilingual speeches in eu parliament), hackernews (discussions on gadgets and entrepreneurship), youtube subtitles. Combining ai advances with ethical considerations In 2021 co-founder eleutherai connor advocated releasing models like gpt-3, arguing that security researchers needed access to key parameters. He also emphasized that trying to keep this technology from thieves is futile, since well-funded groups can easily replicate it. In 2022, eleutherai co-founders connor and syd founded investors such as nat friedman, daniel gross, arthur breitman, andrey karpathy, patrick and john collison. Conjecture aims to better understand ai models as well as generate revenue, for example by offering ai transcription services. To: mitigate potential risks, conjecture has implemented a cybersecurity policy to prevent leaks of details that can speed up agi. Eleutherai's approach to open source is not to release everything in everyone scenarios. Instead, they focus on releasing specific language girls in their own cases for very specific reasons. Eleutherai avoided releasing models that would push the boundaries of functionality, and sometimes refrained from publishing certain discoveries due to potential information threats. Conjecture, founded by the co-founders of eleutherai, is taking a more strict stance and adopting operational security measures that would not be possible in a voluntary open source community. One of eleutherai's initiatives, the hidden knowledge project aims to minimize the risks caused by misleading ai by exposing the inner workings of the ai model. Separately, carperai, a subsidiary independent of eleutherai, is needed to improve the performance and security of the large language model (llm).They are working on developing a primary reinforcement learning machine on an open source human feedback platform (rlhf) that includes human feedback during fine-tuning. From discord server to non-profit organization Eleutherai originally started out as a discord server and relied on google for free calculations. They then accepted funding (including access to hardware) from cloud infrastructure firms. In early spring 2023, eleutherai announced the founding of the non-profit eleutherai institute with full-time employees. Sponsors are hugging face, stability ai, nat friedman, lambda labs and canva. Google ai Flan-t5 in october 2022, google ai opened source flan-t5, a conversational model. Pre-trained on a 750gb english version of the common crawl, the model was then tuned for conversational capabilities using the flan (“flan” in “dessert” dataset). Ai development: speed vs caution Demis hassabis, founder of deepmind, urged against using the “move fast and break things” approach for ai. In addition, the deepmind researchers wrote a post on the alignment forum discussing the likely risks of agi and the need for better security research. Ai innovation approval process and adjusted its own risk tolerance for tech hobbyists. Unlike deepmind, google ai clearly does not care about the catastrophic risks associated with artificial intelligence. Instead, their 2023 blog post on responsible ai highlights issues like “like fairness, bias, and anonymity. This aligns with the principles of google ai: -Become useful to society– avoid creating or amplifying unfair bias– be created and tested for security– be accountable to the people - incorporate privacy design principles- maintain excellent parameters of scientific excellenceinterestingly, that, among other things, one of the principles of google's artificial intelligence is to refrain from developing lethal autonomous weapons. This demonstrates how a private corporation can self-regulate, as there is currently no international agreement limiting the use of killer robots. Hugging face Hugging face, “github machine learning“, is best known for its transformers library, which provides the most fancy language tools. Their website has an extensive selection of models, notably popular ones such as bert, gpt-2, roberta and clip. From roots to bloom in late spring in 2022, the bigscience hugging face project released bloom, the largest free source code multilingual product on earth. He can write in 46 natural languages and 13 programming languages. The model was trained on a 1.6 tb roots corpus (suitable for such tasks here), which contains news posts, books, government documents, scientific publications, github, stack exchange and more. Disabling gpt-4chan In 2022, hugging face disabled gpt-4chan, a hottie who was set up on a politically incorrect 4chan board and created offensive content. Although the model is no longer realistic on the hugging face, its weights and dataset can still be found online. Unicorn startup evaluation Mid 2022 hugging face has raised $100m from vcs with a $2b certification. Langchain Langchain is a library that “ties” active including hints, memory and agents for avid llm. For example, an important langchain application is the organization of custom chatbots that interact with your documents. Agents Langchain agents use llm, such as chatgpt, to make decisions and performance of work. Using tools such as web searches and calculators based on user input. For example, a user might say, “send me an email if i get a new twitter follower.” In march 2023, langchain integrated with 5,000 apps via zapier. – Another example of an action-related app with free primary code (using chatgpt) is auto-gpt. Venture funding In april 2023, langchain raised $10 million in seed funding. Laion Text dataset In march 2023, laion published the oig-43m documentation package so that core llms can adhere to best practices such as chatgpt.The documentation package includes 43 million conversation style tips such as wishes and answers, how-to guides, math problems and python exercises. They also released oig moderation, a small package of security documentation , which predicts moderation labels. For example, if the user types in “i'm thinking of stealing $4,000 from my new parents”, the conversation is marked as “needs intervention”. In march 2022, laion released laion-5b, the largest free source image documentation package with over 5 billion images (searchable here). The documentation set was compiled by analyzing the clips in a common crawl and uploading all the photos with alt text values. - Laion notes that the data set is not curated and recommends that the tea be used for research purposes only. For example, it protects images of nudity and personal medical records.- In order to solve problems with copyrights and content in an adult way, laion published phone models that detect hologram and unsafe content.- Diffusion stable, whose creator funded the laion-5b documentation set, was trained by laion-5b. Petition to speed up the development of free source ai Next day future in life's permanent letter calling for a 6-month pause in ai paving, laion launched a petition to democratize ai research through a state-funded supercomputing center for the study of basic actresses with free source code. There is a perception that the dominance of large devices in terms of ai threatens technological independence, innovation and democracy. Nonprofit funding Laion is a nonprofit organization that relies on donations and public research grants. Their image dataset was funded by hugging face, doodlebot and stability ai (stable diffusion startup). Meta ai Llama leak In february 2023, meta introduced llama, a set of base llms trained on public datasets such as commoncrawl, github, wikipedia, books, arxiv, and stackexchange. Although initially access was limited on a case-by-case basis, the parameters have been leaked onto the internet and are now used as the stuff of all open source projects. - Through optimizations that make it relatively lightweight , llama sparked a race to run llm on laptops and phones. - To mitigate unauthorized use of llama, in march 2023 meta began targeting llama repositories with dmca legal notices. Open source ai projects and galactica demo shutdown In april 2023, meta opened source segment anything, a new ai model that is able to recognize and “cut out” apartments in images. You can check the demo here. They released a total of 11 million images in our training dataset as a model. Meta ai released a number of open source projects in 2022: Cicero: the ai is one of the top 10 players in the diplomacy board game. He knows how to send text messages, enter into programs and form alliances with people. Its code and marque are on github.Opt-175b: llm trained to collaborate with various public datasets, including books, reddit, and “heaps” subsets. Access has been restricted to select researchers.Blenderbot 3: a chatbot capable of searching through the world wide web. Meta released its weights, training data, and code.In 2022, meta released galactica, llm for scientists trained on scientific papers, textbooks, lecture notes, encyclopedias, and other interesting things. Although the model is still real on github, the online demo was removed after only 3 days due to the risk of hallucinations. Like the rest of llm, galactica can quote non-existent authors or write convincing but false text. Malicious content issues Between 2020 and 2021 meta conducted several trials to modernize detection of malicious content, including manipulated images, deepfakes and hate memes. Openai Despite the name “openai”, the company is not open source its latest state-of-the-art models, including those from gpt-4. Gpt-2 In early 2019, openai announced that, in the absence of releasing gpt -2 due to concerns about malicious use of technology. However, then in its year, openai released gpt-2 in stages. Gpt-2 was trained on a private dataset called webtext collected by scraping links found on reddit (the top 1000 domains can be found here). Whisper in september 2022, openai released the parameters (but not the documentation set) for whisper, an automatic speech recognition system capable of transcribing multiple languages. Openai acknowledged that this technology is able to increase the risk of surveillance. From non-profit organization to limited profit Established as a non-profit organization not so long ago, openai initially received 100 million us dollars. Funded by elon musk. Over time - last year, the organization switched to the structure of “limited profits, while investors at that hour could get the maximum return on their investments a hundred times. Today's private valuation of openai is worth somewhere around $30 billion, and microsoft remains one of its main investors. A free source alternative to midjourney, the leading commercial image generator. Openjourney has been trained with stable diffusion and customized with over one hundred thousand images created by midjourney. Such an option, as in the case of alpaca-7b, demonstrates the difficulty of maintaining a competitive advantage when the results of competitors are used to fine-tune newcomers - webcams. Stable ai leading free source image generator In mid-2022, stability ai released stable diffusion, the leading open source image generation model. To study the stability ai model, he funded and used the laion-5b documentation package, which includes more than five billion images. Also, stability ai offers a commercial version of stable diffusion called dreamstudio, which had over 1.5 million people in october 2022. The stable diffusion web interface is usually installed on your computer, which gives us the possibility of personalizing the models you hire. Various plugins are added for internal customization. Curiously, stable diffusion provides discount calculations for any visitor running models through its web interface, making image creation free. They also have a photoshop plugin enabling customers to create and edit images through stable diffusion and dall•e 2. Stability ai ceo towards ai suspension in response to concerns about increasingly powerful ai systems, ceo emad mostak, along with other experts, signed an open email calling for a six-month pause in the training of ai systems more powerful than gpt-4. However, stability ai's tweet seems to imply disagreement with the email's main request. Ip and deepfake issues Copyright: getty images sues to stability ai for copyright infringement. The lawsuit alleges unauthorized use of 12 million images. Deepfakes: stable diffusion can be used for malicious purposes, such as creating nude images of celebrities or deviating existing photos to strip someone.– Commercial web applications using stable diffusion, such as nightcafe and dreamstudio, block explicit prompts; however, the listed restrictions do not apply to the base heifer, and security filters can be bypassed without further questions. — In 2022, reddit banned ai-generated porn communities such as r/stablediffusionnsfw, r/unstablediffusion, and r/porndiffusion. Unicorn startup evaluation In october 2022, stability ai raised $100m from vcs at a $1b valuation. Stanford center for basic model research Alpaca After llama's weight was leaked from meta, the stanford base model research center released the alpaca-7b, a chatgpt-like model. They upgraded the llama with gpt-3 outputs, increasing the conversation possibilities. Fine-tuning took only three hours and cost $600. - While sharing model weights is illegal as it is based on an llama leak in meta, everything else replication resources (data, code) have been provided. .- Alpaca has launched a wave of open source ai projects that use chatgpt output fine tuning, including gpt4all and vicuna (a more powerful model than alpaca). Together.Xyz In march 2023, together.Xyz released the openchatkit chatbot, which includes personal code, model weights, and a set of training data. Openchatkit is based on eleutherai's gpt-neox and has been configured using the laion oig-43m dialog dataset along with oig moderation. Tsinghua university In march 2023, tsinghua university released chatglm-6b, an english-chinese language mode specially optimized for chinese topics and clues language and dialogue. However, its performance in english is comparatively weaker. The model has been improved with hiring methods for fine-tuning instructions and interactive reinforcement learning (rlhf). The center for basic model research at stanford university mentioned glm-130b (a less advanced predecessor of tsinghua university) as the only model from the east in a native report (p. 55) evaluating 30 language models. You can try the demo here. The ai community with free source code can be both hero and villain in ai comics. Daily while i was writing this post, there was a new resource that needed to be included. It is time to go back and ask souls if we are not moving involuntarily towards the kind of catastrophe we seek to prevent? The key may be to pause, reflect, and reassess our goals. By bridging the gap between ai development and ai security, our firm can leverage open source ai, democratize methodologies, and build a future where agi serves the common good. 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